Friday 23 December 2011

wish u happy birthday!

skies just cloudy...but not rain..
i called his number today n wish
"Bapak, Selamat Hari Jadi..
semoga panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki ye"..
bapak pun menyambut
" owh terima kasih, tapi tahun nie tak buat birthday bapak pun sebab takda orang..."
aku pun jawab
"ala..nanti kita balik sana, belanja bapak makan"
24 Disember 2011 - "Bapak sweet 65 ... "

so u guys yang masih ada bapak, papa, papi,
dada, abah or whatever u called it, appreciate
n give a wish to ur lovely dad eventhough u r
dont have a gift to give him..!! it will make him
knows that u not forget and always remember

Birthday Wishes For My Bapak
This day is not special only to me, but to all those people whose lives you have touched with your kindness and generosity. I feel so blessed to have you as my Bapak. I am so proud to be your daughter. I just want to tell you Bapak, no matter how much time passes and how old I become, you will always be my superman!   I wish you a day, filled with love, joy, care and fun! Happy Birthday Haji Mohd Harun bin Haji Tram!!

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